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   Al YAMAN      Carboxcy injection
The latest anti-ageing treatment
جهاز حقن ثاني اوكسيد الكربون بالجسم
مخرجين غاز مستقلين
امكانية التحكم بالتدفق
امكانية التحكم بالحجم
دارة ضبط حرارة الغاز قبل حقنه للجسم
اسطونة غاز كبيرة واقتصادية
How was carboxytherapy discovered?
Carboxytherapy was discovered in the Royal Spas of France in the 1930’s when bathing in the pools of carbon dioxide rich waters was shown to speed wound healing. 


This treatment injects tiny amounts of carbon dioxide just beneath the skin’s surface in an attempt to to rupture fat cells. The thought is that once the liquefied fat is carried away from the treated area (and eventually out of your body in your urine), the skin’s contour may change. I personally have not seen this used and have not seen anything in the scientific literature supporting it. 
The carbon dioxide is carefully administered from a tank connected by a plastic tube to a machine that regulates the speed of the gas. Another tube links the regulator to the tiny sterilized needle that the physician holds as he or she injects the gas into the skin.

The treatment goal

Carboxytherapy supposedly helps reduce selected areas of unwanted body fat and reshape the contours of the face, neck, arms, stomach, buttocks and legs.

The Carboxytherapy Procedure

You may be given a topical anesthetic cream to numb you from the pinpricks of the needles that distribute the carbon dioxide into the skin. During Carboxytherapy, which typically lasts about 15 to 20 minutes, you’ll feel mild pressure as the gas expands the chambers holding the fat. Some people compare this pressure sensation to that of an expanding blood pressure cuff. Afterward, the treated area will feel warm for several hours and you may have some mild bruising. For greatest effectiveness, space your treatments—which may range from 6 to 12, depending on the size of the area being treated—at least a week apart.
injections of medical grade CO2 using 30 G needles. CO2 insufflation has been widely used in the last 8 years in South America and in particular in Brazil for cosmetic purposes, such as stretch marks, cellulite, localized adiposities and under-eye dark circles, in combination with other minimally invasive aesthetic procedures. The low morbidity, high level of patient tolerance and minimal side effects makes it a very interesting technique in our battery of face and body rejuvenation techniques, with a high level of patient satisfaction.

Carboxytherapy has also been used in the medical field for over 80 years, in Angiology, Phlebology, Endocrinology, and Dermatology to treat diseases: ischemic lower limbs pathologies, diabete ulcers, microvascularization diseases (Raynaud phenomenon ...). Carboxytherapy has also been used recently on Psoriasis disease with interesting results.
Mechanism of Action 


The first effects following CO2 injection is a strong vasodilatation, a blood flow increase and a higher pO2 in the treated area.

 The Bohr effect

Local oxygen release is improved because of the Bohr effect. The Bohr effect describes the tendency of haemoglobin to have less affinity for oxygen when the blood concentration of CO2 is increased. This lower affinity leads the haemoglobin to release the oxygen better in superficial tissues and muscles. CO2 is quickly converted to bicarbonates and H+ acid in presence of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme.
CO2 + H2O --> H+ + HCO3-
This reaction causes the tissueâ pH to become acidic with even more dissociation of O2 from haemoglobin, allowing the tissue to become even more oxygenated.
General CO2 contraindications
needle phobia
stress, with history of vagal unconsciousness event
severe heart failure, congestive heart disease
recent heart infarction or instable angina pectoris
restrictive pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive lung diseases
sleep apnea
renal failure, dialysis
recent cerebrovascular accident
uncontrolled blood pressure
recent phlebitis or pulmonary embolism
uncontrolled diabetes
immunosupression or deficiency
chemotherapy, cancer (healing disorders)
patients with impaired healing
connective tissue disorders or diseases
bleeding diseases: Willebrand’s disorder, hemophilia
Local contraindications
bacterial infection: dermatitis, cellulites
foreign body in the area to be treated
herpes simplex in acute phase and other acute skin viral infection
skin disease with abnormally increased local circulation
facial rosacea
poikiloderma of Civatte
red necks and red décolletage.
Temporary contraindications
pregnancy (precautionary principle)
lactation (precautionary principle)
anticoagulation, recent aspirin or antiinflammatory drugs intake
acute skin infection (wait until it is cured)
other aesthetic procedure or skin traumatism less than 15 days prior to CDT
Follow-Up Treatments
In the case of treating stretch marks, it is said that these respond better to treatment when they are most recent and still red in colour, rather than when older and of a more faded, silvery appearance. Newer striae will most likely require to be treated once a week for 2 – 4 weeks, although in some cases a single session is enough, depending on their severity. Older stretch marks will need 3 or 4 treatment sessions at 3 - 4 weekly intervals.
In the case of cellulite reduction, the introduction of the CO2 under the skin is combined with manual massage to help evenly distribute the gas and make it circulate within the tissues. When it comes into contact with the fat cells, it is claimed that it can literally kills them by stimulating a metabolic reaction or fat burning mechanism within the body. The vasodilatory effect in the small blood vessels surrounding the fat cells increases the amount of oxygen and blood flow to the area which eliminates the build up of fluids and toxins between the cells causing lymphatic drainage, and also improves the elasticity of the deeper skin areas by stimulating the production of new collagen, leading to a rejuvenation in the upper layers which reduces the tight, cottage cheese or orange peel look to the skin associated with cellulite.
Results are said to be seen immediately, with an improved and smoother look to the skin. As the blood circulation improves and the natural fat burning continues, the area becomes firmer over time with a reduced circumference, although multiple treatment sessions and top-up maintenance sessions every 6 months will be required.
Before and after photographs of Carboxytherapy
 (Psoriasis) 20 Treatments After (2 times per Week)


Nasolabial folds and marionette lines on the face  12 session
   Stretch marks on the abdomen


Stimulation of collagen synthesis
A 2008 Brazilian study* showed a reorganization of collagen fibers following intradermal injections of carbon dioxide and demonstrated that the CO2 is capable of increasing the collagen turnover: a trauma to the dermis launches a healing process with collagen synthesis. CO2 improves the process by first, increasing neovascularization with more healing substances and factors to be on site. In second, it releases more oxygen around and in the healing area, improving the recovery phase.

Neo-angiogenesis effect
The first experiments in the 1930s consisted of injecting CO2 into the leg of a frog. They have shown a strong vasodilatation, associated with the creation of new capillaries.

Receptor activation and lipolysis cascading improvement
The pressure receptors are stimulated by CO2 injections. Cascading reactions improve the lipolysis process in the injected areas. CO2 is improving the natural lipolysis capabilities of the body.
INDICATIONS of Carboxytherapy

Aesthetic indications can be divided in 2 main groups:

Group 1 is dealing with fat/cellulite.
Group 2 is targeting collagen, blood flow and skin oxygenation.

Schematically fat indications require deep injections: subcutaneous injections

and rejuvenation indications need superficial intradermal injections.
Advantagesof carboxytherapy
مميزات و سلبيات الحقن بغاز ثاني او كسيد الكربون

Advantages od CO2 therapy


No down-time

More studies need to be published to evaluate the technique in detail.

Very fast to perform procedures

MD need to hire a CO2 tank from a medical gas company - SKIN BREATH DOES NOT REQUIRE MD TO RENT BIG TANKS

Can be performed by a nurse under the supervision of the physician

Localized fat may require numerous sessions before both the patient and physician see the first results.

Almost no pain in most of the cases

Not FDA approved procedure

Low cost equipment

Some equipment are not CE medical approved therefore illegal to use in some countries.

Impressive results on stretch marks. Also impressive results on Psoriasis


Can be combined to other procedures


What should you do after a Carboxytherapy treatment?

It is important that you follow the advice of your practitioner carefully after carboxytherapy treatment. This will help you to gain maximum effect from the procedure and reduce the risk of any complications.

Post-treatment advice may include:

  • Bathing or swimming should be avoided in the first few hours after carboxytherapy treatment

Who should not have a Carboxytherapy treatment?As long as you are generally healthy and don’t have any skin diseases or infections in the area treated, there are few medical reasons why patients should not undergo this treatment.Although there is no evidence that this treatment is harmful for pregnant women, you would generally be advised to wait until after you have given birth before embarking upon a course of treatment.

 (Severe Ulceration of The Body)
           initial                  after 7 trts
       After 25 trts                after 30trts