Easy Peel
General project Italy
افضل جهاز تقشير بالكرستال و اكثر جهاز انتشارا بالعالم |
The microdermabrasion system Easy Peel Diamond is today the most innovative and refined unit present in the market. Born thanks to the extraordinary experience of General Project, this unit represents the highest quality level in the field of microdermabrasion. The Easy Peel Diamond, totally microprocessored, is provided with an electronic vacuum adjusting system and digital control panel. To all this, we have to add the proverbial abrading power, effectiveness, reliability and safety of our microdermabrasion systems. In fact this device is equipped with a two cylinders oil free vacuum pump, automatic discharge of the residual pressure. The Easy Peel high efficiency handpiece allows a perfectly uniform abrasion. Designed to be dismounted without tools, it can be easily cleaned or sterilized. Precision in abrasion, efficacy and long life are at level of excellence. |
يتفرد الجهاز عن غيره بعدة نقاط وهي
و جود نظاميين للتقشير 1- التخلية 2- الضغط يتم استخدام نظام التخلية للتقشير السطحي وعند الحاجة للتقشير العميق يتم استخدام دعسة قدم لتفعيل دارة الضغط هذه الميزة تنفرد بها general Project
معظم اجهزة الكرستال يوجد فها نظام التخلية فقط
يسمح نظام الضغط بالتقشير للندبات الضخامية و اثار الحروق
زود الجهاز بمؤشر ضغط يسمح بمعايرة الضغط الاولي و مراقبة استقراره اثناء العمل
· يمكن تركيب رؤوس للاستعمال لمرة واحدة عند خشية حدوث عدوى او رؤوس معدن قابلة للتعقيم
إن هذا الجهاز المزود بنظام رقمي له العديد من المزايا المكملة التي جعلته الجهاز الأكثرأماناً بين أجهزة التقشير بالكريستال في العالم و ذلك بفضل التصميم الهندسي المتقدم مثل:
· التحكم الرقمي بقوة الهواء المضغوط.
· نظام فلترة الهواء المتقدم (HEPA).
· الكريستال مع نظام الفلترة سواء للوعاء النظيف ام المتسخ و الذي يمنع حدوث عدوى والذي يؤمن أكبر درجة من الحماية للمريض و الحاصل على شهادة FDA الأمريكية.
Voltage supply |
220/240 V 50/60 Hz or 110/130 V 50/60 Hz |
Protection class |
1 - type BF |
Max power absorption |
350 VA |
Weight |
18 kg |
Max vacuum |
0,85 bar |
Max dimensions |
500x470x320 mm |
Max air flow |
40 l/min |
CE mark |
Yes |
Electronic controller |
combined digital-analogic |
Conformity to |
FDA standard |
Fields of application |
plastic surgery, dermatology, aesthetics | |
Microdermabrasion Crystals
· Aluminum oxide crystals have been the most commonly used abrasive agent for the last 20 years (no wonder they were so popular in microdermabrasion). Aluminum oxide is the second hardest mineral (diamonds are first).
· The irregular crystal shape makes them a more effective abrader. Aluminum oxide is also an inert material and it causes no allergic or adverse reactions. It is not toxic when ingested and is non-carcinogenic.
· Sodium bicarbonate crystals are an organic alternative to aluminum oxide crystals but they are a lot softer and less effective in microderma abrasion. They are used on patients with hyperpigmentation and can be easily washed off after treatment (sodium bicarbonate is water-soluble).
What Is The Difference Between Crystal And Diamond Micro Abrasion?
The regular crystal micro dermabrasion technology involves the use of a special, hand-held device that propels a high-speed flow of aluminum oxide crystals onto the skin. At the same time, the machine's vacuum system sucks away dirt, dead cells and used crystals.
The diamond derm abrasion system, on the other hand, replaces the micro-crystal flow with a disposable or reusable diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested). Other than that, crystal-free microdermabration works in the same way traditional microabrasion does.
Diamond microderm machines usually come with tipped wands of varied size and coarseness for different skin types and depths of resurfacing. The wand tip is made of natural diamond chips which polish the skin and remove dead cells, which are then vacuumed back into a waste filter. Many professionals prefer natural diamond tips because they are easier to control and don't irritate the skin (natural minerals are less likely to trigger adverse reactions). |
Crystal &Diamond Microdermabrasion – Innovative Skin Rejuvenation Procedure
تقشير بالكرستال و الالماس معا
Diamond Microdermabrasion (Crystal-Free)
· Crystal-free tips and natural diamond tips are easier to use and unlikely to leave tiny particles in the eyes, nose or mouth. But a crystal-free micro dermabrasion machine isn't completely safe.
· Bacteria from exfoliated skin stays on the tip and can be unknowingly spread to another areas of the face or body. Diamond tip microdermabrasion is also not as effective on irregular surfaces because there are no crystals to fit the exact irregularities of the skin.
Which To Choose? Regular Microderm Abrasion Or Diamond Tip Peeling
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Which To Choose? Regular Microderm Abrasion Or Diamond Tip Peeling? |
Both are just as effective, from what I could tell, and the price is similar Diamond microdermabrasion needs a more significant, upfront investment but it doesn't use a fresh supply of crystals after every treatment, which is why spas and surgeries can offer it at a similar price.
I suppose the only real reason to consider a diamond peel instead of the regular micodermabrasion is the lack of stray crystals. After having tried both diamond tipped micro dermabrasion and the regular kind, I believe the choice is a matter of personal preference. I cannot say whether diamond microderm was more effective than the regular microdemabrasion (a microscope would probably favor one over the other) but I was equally happy with the results. |
Professional Diamond Microdermabrasion
The diamond microdermabrasion (crystal-free) system replaces the micro-crystal flow with a diamond tip wand. Areas closer to the eyes and mouth can be abraded more accurately with diamond abrasion (no risk of stray crystals causing damage or being ingested).
Provides a Non-Surgical skin resurfacing procedure by using sterile diamond heads to peel and rub off the dead cells at the top skin layer followed by vacuuming/suction removing particles along with any dirt and dead skin. This procedure removes skin debris, scars, blemishes, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation of the skin. Moderate usage of diamond dermabrasion accompanied with skin products that penetrate through the top skin layer and reach the dermis level help to replenish natural nutrients and restore cell activity promoting healthy skin.
Dermabrasion treatment is usually a healthy, glowing, beautiful skin.
The Benefits of treatments with our Diamond Microdermabrasion machines:
Rejuvenation of sun damaged skin - face, neck, shoulders, back, arms, and legs
Reduction of age spots
Minimization of blotchy skin coloring
Reduction of acne and superficial scars from past injury
Extraction of blackheads and whiteheads
Reduction of oily skin
Improvement of overall skin health |
Benefits of Diamond Tip Microdermabrasion
Diamond microdermabrasion is an improved substitution for the method based on crystals, which left behind the harmful crystals dust that are associated with microdermabrasion side effects. Some of the common negative symptoms of crystal microdermabrasion reported by patients include temporary skin irritations, soreness, and dryness. Another advantage of using diamond tips rather than microdermabrasion crystals is that there is no risk of tiny crystals getting stuck inside the skin pores.
On top of the treatment advantages, V.I.Peel have lower maintenance costs as the diamond tips can be sterilized and reusable between treatments. Besides, the diamond microdermabrasion equipment is smaller and occupied less space than in the case of crystals-based system.
Diamond Microdermabrasion Tips |
Diamond microdermabrasion machine has 3 tip grade
· 3 Large: Fine, Medium, Course
· 3 Medium: Fine, Medium, Course
· 3 Small: Fine, Medium, Course
By using special microdermabrasion equipment, the diamond microdermabrasion treatment can be applied on the face, the neck, the colletage and the back.
Diamond microdermabrasion machine uses diamond tips to perform skin exfoliation. During the treatment, the microdermabrasion tip, covered with tiny diamonds is placed on the skin surface to clean the pores and at the same time loosening the dead skin cells before suctioning them off as in the traditional
However, the only difference in diamond tip microdermabrasion is that the dead skin debris are bring accumulated onto a cotton filter which allows you to see what was being removed from your skin
The diamond microdermabrasion tip of the machines can be removed and comes in various sizes so that it could fit individual skin's condition. For example, a 200 tip is the medium type for normal skin which can be used for almost all the body’s skin areas. On the other hand, a 300 diamond microdermabrasion tip is usually perfect for more sensitive areas or skin. Lastly, a 100 tip is usually for course skin. These levels for the tips are established depending on the quantity of diamonds they contain and thus depending on the number of cells they are able to remove when used.
The tiny diamond particles on the diamond tip are usually synthetic and they are of uniform size. In fact, diamond microdermabrasion offers better customisation of the skin treatment as there can be 2 to 7different microdermabrasion tips of the microdermabrasion machines. Most of the times the diamond tip are reused in between treatments. As such, they must be sterilise in steam, alcohol or UV light. | | |